Newsletter Term 1 Week 7 Friday 16 March 2012
Value Focus for next two weeks: Responsibility and Tolerance
From The Principal
Kiaora tatou katoa, Talofa, Malo e lelei, Bula vi naka, Kia orana Nga mihi nui kia koutou, Namaste, Nihao, Greetings to you all.
Goal setting conferences - Thank you to all the parents who attended the Goalsetting conferences with their children last week. The feedback was positivefrom the parents who attended and the teachers. By the end of the term teacherswill be posting the results of the recent assessments in Literacy and Numeracyon the reading and numeracy graphs. Asurvey about the goal setting process is on our blog, website and Facebook. Wewelcome your feedback as this helps us plan our programmes for reporting toparents, so thank you in anticipation.
Year 6 CAMP – On March 26th Year 6 students will beattending Camp at Sir Peter Blake MERC (Marine Education and Recreation Centre)at Long Bay, North Shore for three days. This Camp is an annual event for theYear 6 children and the programme is an important part of the school programmeto focus on team building, relating to others, managing self and developingself confidence and independence. The Camp’s Mission statement is “to provide alife changing marine and outdoor experience for young New Zealanders”.
Enrichment Classes - Our students are verylucky to be able to enjoy a range of Enrichment activities again this yearthanks to the skills and knowledge of our teachers. Mrs Taljaard is workingwith a large number of children in the choir, drumbeat, ukulele and recordersessions on Fridays. Mrs Scott is working with children in the art room onThursdays and Fridays. Mrs Meikle is working with the Enviro groups throughoutthe week. Mrs Tetupu is working with the Pasifika group on Thursdays. We lookforward to seeing these groups in action at some stage throughout the year.
Have a lovely weekend
Key Events For Your Diary
Wed 21 Mar........ PTA Annual Meeting 7pm
Mon 26 March..... Y6 Camp (MERC) Long Bay
Fri 30 Mar........... Whole School Assembly
Wed 4 Apr.......... Principal’s Awards Assembly
Thur 5 Apr.......... Term 1 ends
Fri 6 Apr............. Good Friday
Mon 23 Apr......... ANZAC Poppies on sale at school
Wed 25 Apr........ ANZAC Day – SCHOOL CLOSED
Wed 9 May......... New Parents Orientation Forum
Fri 1 June............ Principal’s Afternoon Tea
Mon 4 June......... QueensBirthday – SCHOOL CLOSED
Mon 11 June....... Photolife
Wed 20 June...... Student Led Conference Y1-3
Thur 21 June...... Student Led Conference Y4-6
Thur 28 June...... Principals Award Assembly
Looking Ahead
For Sale - Worm Tea – the “Up n Go” tonic for the plant world. Only $2.00 for a 2 litre bottle - this makes20 litres of 100% pure, organic fertiliser that will improve the growing rateof any tree or plant. Order at the officeor look out for gate sales.
We are still looking for helpsupervising the road crossing on Gossamer Drive before and after school. If you could spare some time to help keep our children safe it would befantastic! Please see the office or Mrs Holdom in Room 26. Thank you!
Book Club Issue 2: Last day for ordersis Wednesday 21st March. Please bring orders to Mrs Commins in the JuniorBlock through Room 6. On Fridays the orders may be left at the FrontOffice. Please make cheques payable to scholasticNew Zealand. Thanks, Robyn
This Week in Review
PARENT CONTRIBUTION - Pay your parentcontribution by the end of March and as a thank you from Elm Park School you will receive a Vouchercode Localised Voucherbook. The Voucher booklets are valued at $25.00 and have over $5000 of great savings at Hoyts,Snow Planet, Waiwera, Tree Adventures, Golf Courses, Cafe's, Restaurants and Retail, Outlets,etc. All vouchers are valid till 1st June 2012, so there is still lots of time to receive great savings on fun activities, food and retail. If you want to see all vouchers goto and click on South Book. Please see the office stafff or download instructions.
LITTER FREE LUNCHBOXES - What is a litter free lunch box? A litter freelunch box does not contain any item that has to go into the landfill. As an enviroschool our vision is to reduce the amount of rubbish that will end up ina landfill. Our initiatives to achievethis so far are to have a worm farm, a compost bin, recycle all paper, cardboard, yoghurt pots and containers numbered 1 to 7. Please bring your fooditems in reusable containers and ziplock bags, paper towels, serviettes andlunch paper (nonwaxed) to support our school vision. Plastic wrap, tinfoil, plastic packets andpackaging is to return home in lunchboxes and does not qualify as a litter free lunchbox. Litter free lunchboxes leads to less landfill! A very big thank youto those families that support our school environmental policy and supply their children with a litter free lunchbox and a reusable water bottle. You are supporting our vision towardsachieving a totally sustainable school.
Focus on Children
Room 7 have been learning how to draw their face. We looked at ourselves in a mirror and looked at a photo of our face. In our sketchbooks we practiced drawing our eyes, nose and mouth. We thenlearnt about the correct proportions for when we drew our face. We are very proud of our faces.
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I am special, I am special. If you look, you will see. Someone very special, Someone very special. That is me! That is me! |
Congratulations to the following students who were selected and acknowledged this TERM for their responsible, friendly behaviour. | |
Room 2 | Nadia Mistry |
Room 7 | Carlos Faaeteete |
Room 8 | Artemas Kelsall |
Room 9 | Joshua De Silva |
Room 10 | Briana Crang-Cournane |
Room 11 | Ella James |
Room 12 | Brody Ashmore |
Room 13 | Gordon Morris |
Room 14 | Ekin Liu |
Room 15 | Vacha Patel |
Room 16 | Bella Kim |
Room 17 | Conor Wilkinson |
Room 18 | Divya Ram |
Room 19 | Haeun Lee |
Room 20 | Keziah Seiuli |
Room 21 | Matthew Lee |
Room 22 | Jasmin Wood |
Room 23 | Annalise Worsfold |
Room 24 | Tyler Moran |
Room 25 | Hubert Lai |
Room 26 | Justin Lim |
Room 28 | Levi Guyan |
Room 29 | Paige Newman |
Room 30 | Khushnaz Masani |
The following students were voted as the overall winner in their year level for the most neatly presented in their uniform. | |
Year 1: | Darren Wee |
Year 2: | Braxton Murtic-Kerr |
Year 3: | Barath Thavarajh |
Year 4: | Anna Santoso |
Year 5: | Alia Sulaman |
Year 6: | Ben Wong |
Community Notices:
Pakuranga Counseling Centre COURSES 2012 - SELF ESTEEMMondays 23 April - 28 May Morning 10am-12 noon COMMUNICATION& Anger Management Tuesdays 1 May – 5 June Evening 7—9 BOUNDARIESMondays 14 May- 25 June Evening 7—9 PRE RELATIONSHIP (forthose planning on entering into a new relationship) Wednesdays 6 June-27 June Evening 7—9 BLENDED FAMILIES (for couples blending twofamilies into one) Mondays 23 July- 27 Aug Evening 7—9 PARENTINGALONE (for people raising children on their own) Tuesdays 24 July-28 Aug Evening 7—9 Contact: Sylvia Holliday or Sandy Snook: 576 4248, How do you feel about YOU? SELF ESTEEM COURSE Dates: 23 April – 28May (Mondays for 6 weeks ): 10am-12 noon PakurangaCounseling Centre 207 Ti Rakau Dv (crn Fremantle Pl /Ti Rakau Pakuranga. Cost: $20 for whole course Call Sylvia or Sandy on 09 576 4248 Or email:
Tamaki Sports Academy - offers mentoring,coaching, and work experience to South Auckland youth who have dropped out ofthe mainstream school system but show some sporting talent. A major fundraiserfor the academy, and an excellent source of work experience for our members, isthe free metal collection service we offer. We will pick up any old metal - computers, whiteware,roofing iron, metal piping, venetian blinds, batteries, car panels, cars, metalshelving, filing cabinets, machinery, lawnmowers, engines, and so on. If you dohave any metal rubbish to get rid of, we are keen to pick it up for you. It isa win-win for both of us. Thank you to everyone in advance, and to thosewho have donated metal to us previously. Tricia Ph 027 5105890 ph 09 2760328
Call to dispose of chemicals - AucklandCouncil's annual Hazmobile collections start soon and offer people a chance toget rid of hazardous household waste. The first stop is in Pakuranga onMarch 17. The drive-through collections held ensure tonnes of householdand garden chemicals, used batteries, old gas bottles and other hazardous itemsare safely disposed of.
The council’s sold waste business unit manager JonRoscoe says seven collections have been scheduled so far for this year, whichsupplement the drop-off service available at three of the region’s refusetransfer stations. He says peopleinterested in using the service should check which household hazardous waste isacceptable. Ensure they box it up carefully and follow instructions uponarrival at the collection site.
The Pakuranga collection is at the car park in LloydElsmore Park, Sir Lloyd Drive, from 10am-2pm on March 17.
Collectionpoints are also in Glen Innes, Western Springs and Three Kings. Phone 301-0101, or visit, for more information