Elm Park School - Year 5 Team Newsletter - Term 2, 2013
13 May 2013
Dear Parents / Caregivers,
Year 5 Team Newsletter -
Term 2, 2013
It is the start of a new term and we are
preparing our school-wide Inquiry topic of Enterprise. Each class in the
syndicate will be exploring a different topic related to Enterprising
Partnerships related to our Elm Park School environment. In addition, this term
we will also cover speeches, which will be written in class, in preparation for
the speech finals in term 3.
The children will be adding evidence and
reflections to their e-portfolios, which you will be able to view before the
Student Led Conferences, later in the term.
for Term 2:
23rd May Parent
workshops for e-Portfolios
22nd May Year 5
Meeting for Yr 6 Camp 2014
3rd June Queen’s Birthday
5th June ICAS Science
11th June Photolife Pictures
28th June Push-Play Day
3rd July Student Led Conferences Yrs 4-6
11th July Principal’s Awards Assembly
12th July End of Term and Wacky Hair Day
For new parents to the school, homework in
the Year 5 Syndicate is completed weekly. Children are expected to do daily
homework maintenance learning in the form of:
· Weekly
spelling words to learn
· Weekly
basic facts to learn
· Daily
reading of at least 15 – 30 minutes
Remember with the spelling and basic facts,
testing your child daily will help them accomplish their learning goals.
Children at Years 5 and 6 are expected to self-select the reading books for
their daily reading. We have found that children who are read to by their
parents and who read regularly every day, get to practice the reading
strategies they are learning in the classroom and become more effective and
confident readers. Please record the
author, title and time spent reading in their homework books.
This is a reminder that all children are
expected to maintain the uniform standard of EPS. Girls are expected to tie
their hair back if it touches their shoulder. Although children are not
required to wear a hat in terms 2 and 3, they may wear it throughout the year and
are encouraged to do so. If for any reason, your child is not able to wear the
correct uniform item, please write a note to your child’s classroom teacher and a uniform pass can be
given to your child for the time required to replace the clothing with the
correct uniform item.
Each class will be studying a different
topic and any trips for the syndicate will be as individual classes, who may be
working with other classes in the school.
This term children will be working on their
co-ordination and balance skills in gymnastics. Each class have their
designated time for gymnastics and it is expected that children will bring
their P.E uniform to change into so that they are appropriately attired for
working with the gym equipment.
you have any queries regarding your child, please make an appointment with your
child’s classroom teacher. We look forward to an interesting and challenging
term ahead.
Yours sincerely,
Irma Hughes (Team Leader, Rm 24), Lisa Biddick
(Rm 25), Faenza Wanoa (Rm 23), Alicia Howard (Rm 28).